Untuk mengkaji apa yang dikenal sebagai ilmu elektronika daya (power electronics), ada baiknya kita mengacu pada sumber-sumber keilmuan yang diterima dan diakui luas di dunia kerekayasaan. Misalnya dari society IEEE yang memang mengkhususkan diri untuk membahasnya dan buku-buku utama (textbook) untuk mata kuliah elektronika daya.
[intense_tabs trigger=”click” animation=”scale” ] [intense_tab title=”IEEE-PELS” border=”3px solid #7D5EF6″ link_target=”_self” icon_size=”1″ icon_position=”left”]The Power Electronics Society is one of the fastest growing technical societies of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). For over 20 years, PELS has facilitated and guided the development and innovation in power electronics technology. This technology encompasses the effective use of electronic components, the application of circuit theory and design techniques, and the development of analytical tools toward efficient conversion, control and condition of electric power.
Kata kunci (keyword):
effective, efficient
electronic components, circuit theory,
design techniques, analytical tools
conversion, control, condition
[/intense_tab] [intense_tab title=”IEC” border=”3px solid #3ec445″ link_target=”_self” icon_size=”1″ icon_position=”left”]power electronics:
the field of electronics which deals with the conversion or switching of electric power with or without control of that power
Power electronics is the application of solid-state electronics to the control and conversion of electric power. It also refers to a subject of research in electronic and electrical engineering which deals with the design, control, computation and integration of nonlinear, time-varying energy-processing electronic systems with fast dynamics.
The power conversion systems can be classified according to the type of the input and output power
- AC to DC (rectifier)
- DC to AC (inverter)
- DC to DC (DC-to-DC converter)
- AC to AC (AC-to-AC converter)
[1] M. H. Rashid, Ed., Power electronics handbook: 3rd ed. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2010. [/intense_collapse] [intense_collapse title=”Power Electronics (Hart)” external_link_target=”_self” title_background_color=”#180e8c”]Power electronics involves the study of electronic circuits intended to control the flow of electrical energy. These circuits handle power flow at levels much higher than the individual device ratings.
[2] D. W. Hart, Power electronics, 1st ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2010. [/intense_collapse] [intense_collapse title=”Power electronics: Converters, applications, and design” external_link_target=”_self” title_background_color=”#8e518b”]Power electronics circuits convert electric power from one form to another using electronic devices. Power electronics circuits function by using semiconductor devices as switches, thereby controlling or modifying a voltage or current. Applications of power electronics range from high-power conversion equipment such as dc power transmission to everyday appliances, such as cordless screwdrivers, power supplies for computers, cell phone chargers, and hybrid automobiles.
Power electronics includes applications in which circuits process milliwatts or megawatts. Typical applications of power electronics include conversion of ac to dc, conversion of dc to ac, conversion of an unregulated dc voltage to a regulated dc voltage, and conversion of an ac power source from one amplitude and frequency to another amplitude and frequency.
[3] W. P. Robbins, T. M. Undeland, and N. Mohan, Power electronics: Converters, applications, and design, 3rd ed. United States: John Wiley and Sons (WIE), 2002. [/intense_collapse] [intense_collapse title=”Elements of power electronics” external_link_target=”_self” title_background_color=”#dba400″]In broad terms, the task of power electronics is to process and control the flow of electric energy by supplying voltages and currents in a form that is optimally suited for user loads.
[4] P. T. Krein, Elements of power electronics. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1997. [/intense_collapse] [/intense_collapsibles] [/intense_tab] [/intense_tabs]The goal of an energy conversion process is to best serve the needs of a consumer, while supporting highly efficient generation and transport of energy. …
Definition: Power electronics involves the study of electronic circuits intended to control the flow of electrical energy. These circuits handle power flow at levels much higher than the individual device ratings.
sumber: TUDelft[/intense_tab] [intense_tab title=”#2″ border=”3px solid #d620d6″ link_target=”_self” icon_type=”angle-left” icon_size=”1″ icon_position=”left”]
sumber: R S Ananda Murthy[/intense_tab]
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sumber: P. T. Krein, Elements of power electronics. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1997.[/intense_tab]
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sumber: http://slideplayer.com/slide/4888286/
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